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Term Definition
Inter vivos gift

A gift made during the giver's life.

Inter vivos trust

Another name for living trust.


Provisional; not final. An interlocutory order or an interlocutory appeal concerns only a part of the issues reaised in a lawsuit.


Written questions asked by one party in a lawsuit for which the opposing party must provide written answers.


An action by which a third person who may be affected by a lawsuit is permitted to become a party to the suit. Differs from the process of becoming an amicus curiae.

Intestacy laws

See descent and distrubition statutes.


Dying without having a will.

Intestate succession

The process by which the property of a person who has died without a will passes on to others according to the state's descent and distribution statutes. If someone dies without a will, and the court uses the state's intestate succession laws, an heir who receives some of the deceased' s property is an intestate heir.

Invoke the rule

Separation and exclusion of witnesses from the courtroom.

Irrevocable trust

A trust that, once set up, the grantor may not revoke.


1. The disputed point in a disagreement between parties in a lawsuit.
2. To send out officially, as in to issue an order.